Plugin Tag: firebase
FCM Push Notification from WP
(6 total ratings)Notify your users using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) when content is published or updated.
Integrate Firebase
(20 total ratings)Integrate Firebase is a plugin that helps to integrate Firebase features to WordPress
Firebase Authentication
(20 total ratings)This plugin allows login into WordPress using Firebase user credentials and maps Firebase user data to WordPress user profile.
Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress
(20 total ratings)Send free push notifications for post/custom post, BuddyPress from WordPress sites or using mobile app webview and to generate PWA.
Miniorange OTP Verification with Firebase
(3 total ratings)OTP Verification with Firebase gateway. PasswordLess Login. Firebase OTP verification on login, registration forms, WooCommerce Checkout, Gravity Form
Integration of Firebase Analytics and WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to integrate your WooCommerce websites with Firebase Analytics and start generating the report of your site.
Fireauth – Enable Firebase Authentication
(0 total ratings)Fireauth is a plugin that enables Firebase authentication in Wordpress
WordPress Post FCM
(0 total ratings)Notify your users of new posts with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS. Sends a FCM/push notification when a post is published.
Admin Chat Box
(1 total ratings)Admin Chat Box is intended to allow users to communicate and exchange information in real time. The chat system is secure and trustworthy because it u …
Raopress Chat – Firebase Chat for Visitors
(0 total ratings)Raopress Chat – Firebase Chat for Visitors is the first Real time Wordpress Chat Plugin that integrates with Firebase Chat
DEC firebase plugin
(0 total ratings)This is a plugin to manage firebase realtime database. Firebase is a platform which can easily converting wordpress site to mobile APP.
Pusher – Pushing mobile notification with FCM
(0 total ratings)If your wordpress site has a mobile application, you can push a notification to the users of your mobile application via this plugin.
(0 total ratings)This plugin gives you the ability to push notifications through Firebase Cloud Messaging